Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Report sent
Really should go to sleep although I am pretty pumped about finishing.
Looking forward to Annie,Hannah, James and Grace arriving,only 56 hours or so (but who's counting) until they arrive at Heathrow. It has been over two months since I left and I am happy that this time of travelling is coming to an end.
I am planning on putting my presentation together tomorrow so I am ready to present my findings at the Nuffield spring tour on our return to Sydney. That way when Annie and the kids arrive I can give them 100% attention.
I have been watching the weather on the net and it all looks fairly sad regarding rainfall,probably a good thing I am not there.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Last Day in Canada
Canada is a great country and they have built good infrastructure to support business here. They don't appear to be the poor trade relation to the US that Australia has become,and actively resist the US from shaping their country.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
My new Canadian friend Steve in Barley
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
South West Saskatchewan
I am meeting up with some local farmers here who I am told are very innovative and so I am looking forward to catching up with them later this morning.
Harvest is in full swing around this area, it seems that almost every field has an oil well in it pumping away.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Canadian Grain trains
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New Hard Drive Installed
The old girl lives another day. (I am talking about my laptop)
I have also I hope, overcome my issues with getting emails out,(and no it is not the outgoing server settings).
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Arrived in Calgary
Today we head out and meet up with a leading Canadian agronomist who is a Nuffield scholar.
I am very much looking forward to Canada as I am confident there is much to learn here.Although the growing conditions are very different here I am sure there will be lessons to be learnt.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Last day in Kenya
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Different pets
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Arusha Airport
Fresh Lion prints 10meters from my hut
The Negotiator
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back in Kenya
Today I have had a sleep and am just about to be picked up by my driver for the day, his name is Alladin. We will travel south from Nairobi ending up at a farm in southern Kenya where tomorrow I will get a lift into Tanzania. I am meeting a couple of people down there then back into Kenya. I hope to have internet access although this is Kenya so you just dont know.
Monday, August 24, 2009
I can't understand Hebrew
Friday, August 21, 2009
Abraham's well
A mixed fleet, Camel & Tractor
Cave where Aussie soldiers took cover
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Frankinsence and Myrrh
Desert Plants
Monday, August 17, 2009
Light Horsemen display
We were fortunate to have a look at a room at the Ben Gorian Institute at Sede Boqer.
Our prime ministers wife (Theresa Ryne) was also here in April as seen on the bottom right of the visitors book.
It is not easy to find this place which might explain the few Aussie visitors over time.
The display showed artifacts from the charge of the light horse on Beer Sheeva
Bay watch Dead Sea Style
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Are we on the right side of that wall
After being waved through armed checkpoints we thought that was odd they only seem interested in the people going the other way.
OK, now Cameron reads the map and makes the finding that we are in the West Bank,oops.
We then realized that the wall in the photo was not the great wall of china.
Next came the realization that although it was easy to get in, getting out may not be so easy.
This proved correct, after 20 minutes of getting the third degree from checkpoint guards armed with Automatic weapons.
They checked our car Bonnet, boot under the seats then had a sniffer dog slobber all over the car before they gave us our passports back. I am a bit of a prankster although I managed to show restraint as Israelis are a bit low on the humor front.
Biggest slush puppy machine
Friday, August 14, 2009
Date Palms
Israel & Jordon
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
In Transit In Zurich
Flying in just on daylight I could see clearly what may have been the Swiss Alps, Snow capped.
View from the air
World Trade Center
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mount Kenya
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Kenya what a place
Friday, July 31, 2009
Arrived in Nairobi
We arrived in Nairobi mid afternoon and then met up with our host’s driver named Daniel.
It took around one and half hours to travel from the airport to the “Muthaiga Country Club” where we stayed overnight.
The number of people and state of Nairobi was a shock, to see such poverty was above my expectations. Lots to think about
It is a beautiful place and thanks to one of our host for organizing such a nice place to have a good night sleep.
Our driver Daniel has arrived this morning to take us to some a farmers property and so we will see what the day brings.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
In Transit In Johannesburg
WA Wheat Belt
It was fantastic to spend five or six hours talking through his thoughts and approach to various business and agronomy issues.
We then traveled south where we had a great tour of the Wongan Hills research station where we had a look at various trials thanks. (thank you Bruce).
Later that same day we meet up with David Fulwood, a previous scholar just north of Cunderdin and spent a couple of hours talking and looking over his cropping operation.
It was good to catch up with a Nuffield brother.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Stage two about to launch
First stop is WA then onto Kenya.
I will do my best to keep this blog up to date and hope that you find it interesting.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Final Goodbye
After 45 days travelling the world and 100 plus meetings we finished up saying goodbye to four of the team in San Francisco.We flew out Friday night and skiped Saturday landing in Sydney on Sunday morning and then ariving in Dubbo in the early afternoon.
I have had the great honour to travel with nine very different characters that all made our trip a great success for all involved.
There were mixed feelings on parting as we have become good friends and although we were all excited to be heading home there was also a realisation that we had just experiened a once in a lifetime trip.I would like to thank my brothers in farming for their friendship whilst travelling as well as GRDC who are sponsoring my Nuffield Scholarship. Thanks also to Jim Geltch as he works day and night, and appears to know someone of influence in almost every country in the world. This made stage one of our studies a great success from our group's point of veiw. The further time goes on,the more and more aware I am of the incredible opportunity I have been given.
Thanks also to my darlings at home (Annie, Hannah, James and Grace) plus good old reliable Dad and Mum who helped Annie. Not to forget my business partners as well as Nils and Sarah who have picked up the ball while I have been away. Also to you who have been following this blog I hope this blog has painted a picture of our journey that has been interesting to you.
I will be leaving again in late July to complete my individual study and so I will leave this blog live so that it can be added to during those ten weeks.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Sunny California
We have had two days here now looking at various agribusinesses. Some of the more interesting were a tomatoes paste plant and today we had ours eyes opened when we meet with Gary Lindley who is a district manager for J.G Boswell who are the company who own Auscott in Australia.
He showed us around his section that he looks after, 24,000 acres of irrigation which is part of 100,000 acres at Corcoran in California.
Tomorrow we are meeting with some Rabo bank people first thing and then onto a couple of other appointments.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Fresno in California
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Mexico, Obregon Day Two
We had a great day yesterday at Cimmyt (Obregon).We traveled around their trial site over the day and looked at various trials whilst different researchers talked us through what they are trying to achieve and what they are finding.
Over the day we visited around 7 different programs on the research station, to see the intricacy of the research was amazing and we all wrote notes furiously throughout the day.
One researcher alone had 2600 lines in his section of trials.
We had a fantastic day of what was for a wheat grower “A Paradise”
We had dinner at a local restaurant and I took the when in Mexico approach to dinning, I ordered the “Guts Tortillas” as well as a cactus dish that had a literal cactus leaves as the base. Both I can recommend.
Mexico is a fabulous place and the people we meet were brilliant.
We left Obregon this morning at 6am and drove to Hermosillo where we flew out of Mexico into LA (USA)where we are currently waiting to connect to Sacramento in around an hour or so.
We have only a week to go and I am looking forward to coming home to see my darlings. (Not the cows but rather Annie, Hannah, James and Grace)
The video is of a potatoe lifter,there was about 100 mexican workers in that field picking up the potatoes,these potatoes were for seed for next season.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
We meet with an association in Obregon who represent seven different unions of farmers, we had some great discussion with them and the traveled out to a local farming operation who grow large areas of potatoes.
We then traveled to another farm where we meet Hon who owned the farm, we saw a durum crop that looks like yielding 8 or 9 t per ha and the best chickpea crop I have ever seen. He expected a yield of around 3.5t ha, they were a Kabuli type.
We then ended up at a local restaurant at around 3pm for a late lunch and had a fantastic afternoon of eating and talking about Mexican agriculture.
This was the first time I have had lunch and when finished it is dark; we left there at around 8pm and made our way back to our accommodation.
We are heading out to CIMMYT’s Obregon operation this morning and have great expectation about what we may learn