Saturday, August 15, 2009

Are we on the right side of that wall

Well, it was really Cameron's fault as he gave me the map; First mistake.
After being waved through armed checkpoints we thought that was odd they only seem interested in the people going the other way.
OK, now Cameron reads the map and makes the finding that we are in the West Bank,oops.
We then realized that the wall in the photo was not the great wall of china.
Next came the realization that although it was easy to get in, getting out may not be so easy.
This proved correct, after 20 minutes of getting the third degree from checkpoint guards armed with Automatic weapons.
They checked our car Bonnet, boot under the seats then had a sniffer dog slobber all over the car before they gave us our passports back. I am a bit of a prankster although I managed to show restraint as Israelis are a bit low on the humor front.

1 comment:

  1. Very amusing. This could only happen to you! I'm glad you got out...
