Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Report sent

Well it is 1am and I have finished my report. Currently staying with friends right in the center of England who happen to both be teachers which has been wonderful. They have spent hours reading my report and helping me with editing ect.
Really should go to sleep although I am pretty pumped about finishing.
Looking forward to Annie,Hannah, James and Grace arriving,only 56 hours or so (but who's counting) until they arrive at Heathrow. It has been over two months since I left and I am happy that this time of travelling is coming to an end.
I am planning on putting my presentation together tomorrow so I am ready to present my findings at the Nuffield spring tour on our return to Sydney. That way when Annie and the kids arrive I can give them 100% attention.
I have been watching the weather on the net and it all looks fairly sad regarding rainfall,probably a good thing I am not there.


  1. Congradultions!!!! Well done. I have just hung up the phone from saying goodbye to your girl, not long now. Have a great time with them all being tourists and we look forward to catching up when you all get home. Oh, by the way I heard about the job proposal you have, better make sure there is a pretty good guest room built. God Bless. The Vol's.

  2. Congratulations on finishing the report you must be very excited! Have a fantastic time with your family and don't worry about what is happening here. From what Jock tells me there is still a lot of potential at Eulandool. He says it is looking good! I hope to fly home tomorrow and can't wait for things to start to get back to normal...All the best for the next few weeks of Barden family reunion. Sarahxxx
